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Brothers and Sisters,

As you know we have been invited to help with the clean up in Daphne, Alabama on previous weekends and we are asked to go one more time by the Area Seventy, Elder Stone.  

My invitation isn't to those who are already going but to those who have thought about it but haven't gone yet.

Please sacrifice some time to go serve those in need.  We are in need of about 40 more people to go and serve.

In the past, those who have gone have had wonderful experiences.  On Sunday you will experience the Sacrament in a unique and spiritual way as a preparation before you go out to serve.

This type of service grows each person who serves in unique spiritual ways.  Please don't look for reasons to not go, look for reasons to go!  Ask those who have gone about their experiences and that will inspire you to go.

I was asked to return and report to Elder Stone last night of the number committed and was invited to see if more would commit to going.  I am expected to give a new number to Elder Stone tomorrow evening.

Please reach out tonight and let your Elder Quorum Pres. know you will go.   Bring a friend, they don't need to be a member of the church to go and give service!

You don't need experience, just a willingness to help.  The weather should be perfect to serve and this is our last opportunity to serve for Hurricane Sally and probably for 2020, hopefully, there will be no other hurricanes this year!

Grateful for your service,

Pres. Lewis

October 17 and 18 Helping Hands Service Project Info